Saturday, April 12, 2008

Doggone Tired

Overnight my puppies decided to test Mommy and Daddy's limits. They are scared of storms and last night was our first thunderstorm since I got here. The dogs spent all night crying and howling at the bedroom door. By the end of the night Mommy and Daddy were so confused as to who was actually crying, me or them. All that fussing makes a boy sleepy.

But I couldn't sleep in too long, today was my first baby photo shoot and I had to be ready. Miss Kate came over with her big camera and a lot of patience and took all kinds of pictures of me. Mommy thinks I'm a pretty handsome model even if I did spend some of the time making a fussy face.

Daddy thought I should have rocked this fauxhawk in my pictures, but Mommy assuerd him that these pictures we were taking were for all my grandparents so I just wore my usual collegiate style combover.

Hope you all had as much fun as I did today, and here's wishing for a more restful night.

Love, V

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Vince,

You are so ridiculously cute! I can hardly stand it! I can't wait to spend lots of quality time with you in the very, very near future.
