Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Discovery Days

Friends I learn something new every single day. On Friday I realized that if I arch my back and lean to the side I can roll up on my side. It's really fun but short lived because my heavy head makes me roll back down again. But I'll keep practicing and one of these days I'm going to roll completely over.

On Sunday night I discovered something that will be crucial to my life as a little boy. I learned how to splash in the bathtub! I kick my legs and it makes the water go flying. I love it so much. Nannie lets me take extra long baths so I can just splash and splash away. I hope Mommy has invested in a good rain coat because I think the bigger I get the messier my baths are going to get.

Love, V

1 comment:

Emily said...

vince you are beautiful! glad you are enjoying your baths & school!! :) I love reading your thoughts.