Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mr. Independent

As every day goes by, I am learning to do more and more on my own. Last night I set out to show Mommy just how independent I am. She sat me in my crib while she ran my bath water. When she came back I surprised her and pulled myself to standing with the crib rail. I had been standing in my crib but had never tried to pull myself up. Thank goodness she had the camera in her pocket or she wouldn't have been able to get this picture. Please excuse the sweet potato smeared on my face... after all it was before my bath.

I am also trying my hand at French. Impossible you say... but last night all I kept saying was bebe. I mean clearly I know I'm a baby. I already know how to say Dada and Mama. I like to keep Mommy and Daddy guessing by sometimes calling them Mama and Dada and sometimes calling the dogs Mama and Dada. I know the difference but I'm just testing them. Mommy rewarded my linguistics by letting me wear a new pair of dino pjs.

I am such a big boy that I decided I would put myself to bed last night. Mommy was getting ready to give me a bottle and sing me a song when the dogs started barking. Mommy put down the bottle to go check on them and while she was gone I decided to pick it up, feed myself and fall asleep. Mommy thinks it's because I'm such a big boy I can put myself to bed. I don't have the heart to tell her it's because I just don't want to hear any more of her singing. She's not American Idol worthy.

Love, V

1 comment:

ladybugDZ said...

You...I mean hilarious. Love it! And cute PJ's!