Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fall Fashion

The weather is getting cooler and that means a whole new world of clothes for a little baby like me. Every day my Mommy and Daddy make sure I'm wearing shorts or pants on my little legs and I get to wear socks too. It's super fun to play with shorts or pants on because I can try to crawl out of them.

Mommy has nipped that in the bud by putting me in overalls for the past two days. They're pretty cool and all the teachers at school say they are precious. School is going really well. Usually there are just 3 of us boys and one girl in my class. In October I will get to take my first school picture. Mommy says she can't wait to meet the magician photographer who is going to get me to keep my eyes open after the flash goes off. She says she has a million pictures of me with my eyes closed.

I was having a little bit of a lazy morning today. I did not want to leave my warm little crib. Mommy had to wake me up anyway so that I wouldn't be late for school. Here's a picture of me still looking sleepy even after I got dressed for school. Who doesn't love to sleep in? Mommy hopes I'll feel the same way on Saturday morning when she gets a chance to sleep in.

Friends I hope you have a great day. I'm all bundled up and going to school. Enjoy the fall weather.

Love, V

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