Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Say Cheese!

Friends I am trying so many new foods that I am considering turning this into a culinary blog. This weekend I got my first taste of broccoli. It's good, but sometimes a little bitter and in no way compares to what I got to eat next. On Monday night I had my first taste of cheese and I am now addicted. I loved it so much I tried eating 3 pieces at once!

Now that I am eating big people food, Mommy, Daddy and I got to eat dinner at the table all together as a family. You better keep an eye on that Daddy, I think I saw him eyeing up my cheese. At Monday night's dinner I also ate some gnocchi which are small Italian potato dumpling pieces of pasta. They are very yummy, gummy and chewy. My belly looked like a beach ball when I was done with all that food.

Tuesday night I tried carrots. I must have a thing for orange food because I loved them too. I ate 5 steamed baby carrots in addition to my baby food and some bits of whole wheat pita bread. Mommy says at the rate I'm going, we are going to be regulars at Sam's Club because we will have to buy food in bulk!

Yesterday was my 9 month-versary. I still have no teeth (yes I know you were wondering) and lots of hair. But I want to lay to rest a rumor that my hair is always luxurious and cute. I have bad hair days too! Monday Daddy and I ran errands and I fell into a deep, sweaty sleep in my car seat and look what I ended up with... my very own baby-fro. I'll end this post with a video from Sunday of me eating broccoli... not riveting, but hey it's something.

Love, V

1 comment:

Emily said...

that hair is hilarious! love it!