Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sleepy Head

Hello friends! I did something amazing last night. I slept for 7 and a half hours straight!! Mommy and Daddy couldn't believe it. It would have been great for them except we were having a huge thunderstorm and my puppy Kayle is afraid of those storms so she kept them awake most of the night. There's no rest for the weary in our house.

Now I want to take some time to quash a rumor going around about my hair. Some people think that Mommy and Daddy style my fauxhawk and the truth is that my hair is just naturally this cool and airborne. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. My 'do could mean I'm destined to be in a rock band or to be a male model or it could mean I will just buy a lot of gel in the future to control it.

Love, V

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