Thursday, December 11, 2008

Community Cutie

Friends I tried a new food on Wednesday. It was applesauce and surprisingly I liked it. Maybe I'm getting over my hatred of fruit. Now if I can just master meat and chunks, I'll be in business. This picture has nothing to do with food, it's just a picture of me playing my piano.

I've figured out how to throw a ball instead of just drop it. Daddy bought me some plastic baseballs and I can throw them across the room. Watch out Braves, here I come.

Last night Mommy, Daddy and I went to our first neighborhood crime watch meeting. It was so great to meet everyone in the sudivision. Daddy signed up to be a block captain so we are going to be community crusaders. Maybe I can even do patrols in my stroller.

There are so many great movies out there, but they are just too scary for us babies.
So I thought, maybe I could remake a classic so that it's nice enough for babies. Here is my B (for baby) version of Jaws. Tell me if you like it.

Love, V

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