Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Trying to be Good

Friends I am in a rough spot right now. I want to be good because I know Santa is watching, but that lady the tooth fairy is playing games with my mouth. I don't have any teeth yet, but my gums sure hurt. Every once in a while I just have to howl and whine to let everyone in a three block area know that I am not happy.

I have doubled my crawling speed, but I can't even run away from this tooth pain. I have now figured out how to crawl down the hallway after Mommy if she walks away. One of these days I'm going to catch her. At school I chase my teachers around all day. I crawl fast and nap hard.

Mommy and Daddy keep trying to introduce new foods and I make sure to let them know I am not having any of it. I love my veggies but so far I am boycotting baby meat, pasta and fruit. The only fruit that doesn't make me scream in horror is bananas. I tried oatmeal for the first time on Sunday. It's o.k., but nothing to write home about.

Love, V

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