Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What a Week!

Friends last week was so busy. On Monday my Grandma came to visit. She hadn't seen me since I learned all my wild moves so it was really fun to get down on the floor and play with her. I even showed her my crazy dog wrestling skills. Please don't try this at home. Here's a picture to show off my technique. This dog doesn't move quite as much as my other dogs do when I try to wrestle them.

My week was jam packed with crawling, getting into stuff and getting kisses. My friend Millie came over for a playdate on Tuesday. We are sooo different. She is so sweet like a little girl and Mommy and Daddy call me Wild Thing because I have so much energy. Look at that devilish smirk. It tells you that I am up to no good. Tuesday night my Nannie and Poppie drove in from Louisiana. We all went out for BBQ and I spent my time checking out the hostess. What can I say, gentlemen do prefer blondes.

On Wednesday I went to meet up with my nemesis Santa Claus and this time he wasn't half as scary. I got to sit on his lap and be on CNN. My friend Millie was there too and she had a tv closeup. I also got to explore a new food on Wednesday morning, melon. It was so slimey that I could barely keep it in my hands. The jury is out on if I like it or not. But I sure do like playing with it.

My Grandpa, Teetee and Uncle Troy came to visit Wednesday afternoon but I'm going to fast forward through all that stuff because I know what you're waiting for... tales of Christmas present. Even though I was mean to Santa Claus, he brought me soooo many presents. Teetee was the Christmas elf and handed out all of the presents. She even let me help. Grandpa got me a sock monkey because I love anything to do with monkeys. I'm afraid it's a little too popular because my puppies seem to think it's their toy too.

I was all decked out for Christmas morning. I wore a sporty little Christmas outfit that made me look like a candy cane. But all that present opening was hard work so eventually I had to lose the pants. Besides, they were slippery and they were slowing me down from zooming across the room. Mommy calls me her little swiffer because whenever I crawl, I clean the floor too. Mommy also tries to not put me in pants that have feet because whenever I pull up to standing those slippery little footies swish out from under me.

My most interesting present was a talking Elmo doll from Mommy and Daddy. That guy never shuts up. I really like to tackle him and kiss his face while he's trying to talk. It's so funny. Mommy has put him on a high shelf for now because every time I knocked him over, he would say "Elmo fell down." Mommy said she could only hear it a hundred times a day before it started annoying her. Don't worry friends, I am pulling myself up on everything and as soon as I get to Elmo, I will have him talking again.

I have time to tell you about one more present before I have to go get ready for school. My Nannie and Poppie gave me a ride on dragon. It's like the coolest rocking horse ever. Thankfully it has a seatbelt because my balance isn't perfect just yet. I know what you're saying friends.... where's the video? Have no fear, I took dozens of videos in the past week. I will sort through them all and post some in the coming days. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas or a Happy Hannukah.

Love, V

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