Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, Monday

Daddy had the day off of work on Monday and we went all over town running errands and doing fun stuff.

Now you're probably thinking to yourself, why is that kid always in his car seat? That's the only way that Mommy can take a picture of me without standing over me and scaring me with the flash. She's googling photography tips, don't worry the blog quality will improve.

I did a lot of fun stuff on Monday but unfortunately corporate America doesn't want you to know about it. I went to the farmer's market and to Sam's Club, but they don't allow photography inside, so you will just have to imagine a tiny little baby asleep in a shopping cart. Mommy says I have inherited her love of shopping because the motion of the shopping cart soothes me and puts me into a deep sleep.

Monday I got my first official piece of mail with my name on it. I'm sure by the end of the week I will be getting my very first credit card offer. The box was a gift from my Aunt Rachel, Uncle Ben and cousin Sophia. The boxes were twice as big as I am!

Love, V

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