Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend

Sorry for the delay in postings friends; I had a wild weekend! My Poppie came Friday night and we went out for dinner. I love staring at my Nannie and Poppies faces, they're familiar but so fascinating.

Saturday was my busiest day yet. Teetee flew in from Louisiana and we officially had a packed house. The whole family went to the place where Mommy worked. We didn't go to visit all of the work friends, but Teetee made sure I visited her favorite place at the bottom of the building... Starbucks. I inaugurated my new stroller with a drive through Centennial Park.

As a man of the world, I enjoy the finer things in life so I spent the afternoon at a museum. O.K. so it was just The World of Coke, but that's like a museum for soda. Here I am with my first official souvenir. The whole family tried all different kinds of sodas at the museum. Have you ever heard of a soda call the Beverly from Italy? Yucky! It's almost as gross as an out of diaper experience. I would not recommend it friends.

Love, V

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