Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Two Weeks!

Sunday was my two week anniversary! This is the day that I was actually supposed to arrive, but I'm an early bird. As is family custom, we went out for breakfast to celebrate my anniversary. Guess what I got for my two week anniversary? A brand new belly button!! I wanted to post a picture but Mommy thinks it still looks a little like something out of a horror show, so we'll wait a while to show it off.

Poppie decided that we should go to a real museum so he took us to the Jimmy Carter Museum. I learned all about negotiating for peace, but Daddy says I still shouldn't negotiate with Hamas. Here's a picture of me and Daddy in the rose garden at the Carter Center. You can't tell in the picture, but at that exact moment I decided to give Daddy a little surprise which led to my first outdoors diaper change.

Love, V

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